Road Block Generator – Procedural Model Generation in Houdini & UE4

This project is a proof of concept implementation of utilising procedural modelling content in Houdini and UE4 with Houdini Engine. As apart of one of my side projects I wanted to create an entire game using assets created only using Houdini and so tasked myself with replacing assets from a POLYGON Sci-Fi City Pack from Synty Store. The first one I started with was a road blockade and created a Houdini Digital Asset that can be imported directly into UE4 using Houdini Engine.

I predominantly used boolean meshes to generate the mesh details, and for the UV’s I unwrapped the cube at the beginning of the graph and used these boolean seams to create the sections that are cut from the mesh. This allows for relatively logical UV placement as well as the being able to overlap UV islands that are duplicated within the mesh. The incline divots (ones placed on the slanted / \ sections) are positioned using a simple trigonometry calculation for the rotation to be at the normal of the face.