Tile Blend Texturing in UE4

This is a UE4 Material setup that utilises tiled textures with height information and unique texture/vertex colour blending per asset. It is based on the texturing concept used in World of Tanks by Wargaming that I adapted and brought over to UE4.

The system works by having 3 tiled textures on the surface and 1 tiled dirt texture. These are mapped to UV set 1 which decides the amount of tiling on each part of the object. On UV set 2 you map all the surfaces uniquely and paint onto an RGB texture to decide what textures are being shown from these 4 tiles. There is also the option of painting vertex colour as well to allow for a combination of consistent and unique texturing per objects.

The amount of each tile is decided by how much white is in that channel except for Dirt. Dirt has no effect if left at 0.5 and goes into the crevices of the height map towards 0.0 and onto the peaks of the height map towards 1.0 (from the tiled textures).

Thanks to Matthew Southall for putting together this WIP scene.